Calmness, Clarity, Congruency & Competency
for a seamless & meaningful transformational path in life

Working From Intuition – How Our Cat Daisy Overcame...

  It never stops to amaze me how once you attune into yourself, even the most apparently difficult situation just vanishes or at least loses its impact. I was to be reminded about the power of the intuition once again. … Continue reading

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A Simple Lesson On Appreciation

What a great relief as my husband finally came home after his long stay at the hospital. I was quite amazed at how calmly and composed he had adapted himself to the whole procedure he went through. This especially because … Continue reading

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Learning Valuable Lessons From Health Conditions

Wishing you a prosperous, happy and healthy New Year! Mine started off with a big challenge. As a Naturopathic Doctor and Psychotherapist my entire life motto has been: solid health first and everything else shall follow. This all the more … Continue reading

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My Marvel at the Mystery of Life

Yesterday as my husband and I headed back home after enjoying a really fabulous evening with friends – Christmas concert and a scrumptious meal at one of our favourite restaurants -, I couldn’t help but marvel about the concert we … Continue reading

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Divorced and Dejected, 5 Powerful Reasons to be Proud...

  A painful divorce usually leaves people at the end of their tether. This is understandable, considering the amount of energy that goes into making con-cessions, holding it together, and completely miss-managing your emotions. Every life changes, wanted or unwanted, … Continue reading

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Heck, This is Frustrating!

Since the beginning of this week, I’ve been struggling with the challenge of compiling a full detailed workshop program for 2006. It should be about 14 to 15 pages. What is gnawing at me is not writing the material for … Continue reading

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Feeling Overwhelmed – Slow Down!

One thing I’m absolutely sure of is that when overwhelmed, we all withdraw and nothing happens. I had a full dosage of this recently. I have been away doing a 4 days Workshop and one on one consultation with people … Continue reading

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Individual Inner Unfoldment

One aspect of changes involves inner unfoldment. Personally, I have been on this course of life for a very long time and I’m grateful for the times when I was able to draw great strength from this path. A great … Continue reading

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Time To Make Something Else Happen

  The other day, I was deliberating about writing a new article for the internet and jotted down a number of titles that came to mind. Suddenly I thought: Well yes, you can write on those things and you’re good … Continue reading

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When Your Body Needs You

Even though I am quite aware of the importance of taking care of your body and health, after all I have spent the last 20 something years getting people to listen to their body and following its wisdom. Still, I … Continue reading

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