Calmness, Clarity, Congruency & Competency
for a seamless & meaningful transformational path in life

Carpe Diem – With a Heartfelt Embrace!

Carpe Diem - With a Heartfelt Embrace! Embracing Changes

When a new day begins we open our heart with gratitude and joy of new possiibilities. I have found that everything we need or want is already here for us, we are only required to open ourselves and embrace it into our lives.

CARPE DIEM – Seize the Day! This is a wonderful reminder of the numereous blessings right before us and which we often ignore or take for granted.
Seizing the Day in all that it encompasses and offers. Recognizing that I am right where I need to be and fully using that awareness to the best possibility daily gives me a deep sense of connectedness with all around me.

CARPE DIEM is also a nine letter word just like INTUITION swinging and vibrating in fulfilment and completion. I believe this means that whatever we do daily ought to be done with a clear open heart free of all reservations. Allowing our intuition to be the key to unlock the fulfilment of our creation.

I wish you a day of joyful and exuberance creation.
Love Always
Kunbi Korostensky ND
Your Inner Flame Rekindler

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