Calmness, Clarity, Congruency & Competency
for a seamless & meaningful transformational path in life

Flexibility Is The Key to Effortless Change


I am fully in the middle of organising a special International Conference for women. This is an event for which my true desire is the inner awakening of nobility of women worldwide.

While contemplating on the program for the event and the invitations to the keynote speakers, I intuitively perceived that this could truly become a huge thing if I am prepared to adjust my own mental image of “how things have to be.”

So I decided to look for other examples out there, and adapt some of them into  what I am about to give form to. As I put this into play, I called people I didn’t know before.

Well guess what, I began to attract more and more women who want to help and support my cause. Now I have a group of committed ladies who inspire me incessantly and help remind me of my own commitment and responsibility. This a great joy!

If I had remained adamant about “my own way” being the best or the only way possible, I would probably have continued to struggle alone and who knows, maybe even given up on my vision.

Moving into flow of creativity does not mean you have to do things at the speed of light or have all the answers immediately. It is about remaining inwardly alert to perceive when you are being prompted to adjust your thinking and approach. To do things differently!

Being flexible does not only help you see things from another vantage point, but it opens your heart and connects you through higher vibration to other sources for great abundance.

Sharing freely with others unlocks the magical door to infinite joy and blessings for everyone.

Life is truly bountiful and inexhaustible if we open ourselves to its wonder!

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