I have observed that few people can stand prolonged silence, especially when confronted by different choices. In order to be able to access intuition on regular basis, it is crucial that we learn to feel comfortable with silence around us and in us.
People mostly try to fill up their surroundings with noise, chatter, radio, music and several other ting tang noises so as not to listen within. It is when we begin to embrace silence as a source of expanding our being to draw deeply from within, that we begin to experience real sense of connection and peace. We also begin to feel stronger and more in control without having to control anything. WE SIMPLY ARE!
One way to start using the power of silence is to listen intently to someone talking to you without interruption. When you listen intently, you’ll be able to intuitively pick up certain vibrations that you otherwise might miss if you were too busy trying to get your own message across. Most times we are too much in our head than in our inner being, inner self. It is when we come down a peg or two as I say, into that realm of allowing that we can fully connect with our inner guidance. This is especially important in times of changes. When a change is eminent, we often either want to charge forward and make things happen, or we doubt our ability to cope with the change.
Neither of these reactions are helpful to us. Because for one thing, we run the risk of running into unnecessary difficulties, for not having thought things out. For another, we become despondent and block our creativity. Creativity and intuition go hand in hand. This is what impact our lives and ensures consistent flow in true exchange of abundance.
If you’d like to hear how you can delve more into your own creative power generated by your intuition, I encourage you to join me tonight for a special experience of Creative awareness. Listen in as I interview one of the world’s international renowned artist, Freydoon Rassouli, the Fusionartist about his Sublime paintings and how his intuition directs him.
Go here now to watch our intro video and register for the talk. I promise you, you’ll learn a thing or two that you can apply to own your intuitive guidance.
I look forward to connecting with you tonight.
Love Always
Kunbi Korostensky
Inner Flame Rekindler