Embracing Changes – Transform your life with your innate power!

You And I, We Are The Light of Our World

The other day I was thinking about how a decision based on love and creativity can revolutionize our own world.

One bleak morning earlier on this year in March 2006, I woke up with a strong inspiration which at the time I wasn’t quite aware of its true significance. The idea came to me to bring a number of women together to help other women enhance their feminine strengths by tapping into spiritual values.

I have always believed that many people live too much from and for the outside world today. After reliving a near death experience in 2005, I now feel even stronger about this. It is also my conviction that we women need to start paying more attention to our spiritual strengths and learn to use them more consciously.

I knew that I wanted to create a platform for women where they can feel safe to examine their femininity and develop their intuition. So I thought of organising an International Conference.  From the moment I voiced this out to myself the idea took form in my mind’s eye and I began to put a structure together.

It is now September and a lot has happened since that monday morning in March when the inspiration came to me. With the faith and trust I had in unseen forces around me, I have received undreamt of support and help in preparing the first conference of this genre.

It is my strong belief that the conference will be a catalyst for all women attendees, inspiring them to look within and to connect with the source of the Living Creative Power which flows through us all.

Now as the registrations for the conference continue to pour in, I feel deep gratitude and a sense of awe for the magnitude of power given to each one of us to create our own world and thereby to help improve that of others. All it requires is simply to ignite the spark within and let it develop into a full power of light to carry your volition out into the world.

Faith, hope and love are truly mighty forces of power capable of bringing light to your world. And these all lie within you!

See the result of my partnering with these forces at: www.awakenwomen.com