Embracing Changes – Transform your life with your innate power!

Successful Change Begins With A Burning DESIRE And A DECISION

As much as we all tend to resist changes, it is a fact that change pulls us forward and helps us develop our hidden talents and intrinsic strengths.

When we are faced by a sudden change, initially we may feel overwhelmed and even panic, but once the anxiety wears off, most people begin to embrace the novelty feeling of excitement and new challenge, because it is the natural thing to do. Like most people, I have also experienced many changes in my life: some challenging, others less overwhelming. Looking back now, I can clearly recognise the power of my inner strengths which came into play and guided me to making the various transitional periods successfully.

The first innate strength is the burning desire to see things unfold the way I had envisioned and never to give up until I knew I had prevailed. This, I would say, has always been my mantra in times of any change. When you have a burning desire your soul ignites with a special passion which remains alive day and night. This passon infuses your entire being pulling you towards the realization of your goal. It is in such moments when you sense that you are guided and know beyond all doubts that you will succeed.

With that desire burning profusely inside you, you find yourself commiting to giving the best possible of yourself.This is the decision that comes with the consciousness that you have the power to turn things around and achieve precisely what you want, even if you don’t yet know how.

Every transaction in life, personal or professional, successful or unsuccessful starts with a single decision. Just think about your own life. Were you truly aware of all the things which have happened in your life up to this present time? Did you decide consciously on these things or they just happened? When you look into these inquires, you’ll realize that conscious decision is the key to any kind of success in life.

You can learn how to make wise decisions by developing skills of clear thinking and focus. It is important to make sound decisions especially  in times of changes. Indecisiveness often cause ambivalence which can set up internal conflicts and escalate into our mental and emotional state of mind.

Retaining indecisive and ambivalent feelings for a lengthy period can block off our ability to be fully effective and creative and therefore render us despondent and unhappy. People with high self image and strong self esteem are not afraid of making decisions because they know that making decisions is essential to living a full life.

Never ask yourself if something is possible or not and don’t let any lack of resources stop you in making a decision. When I decided to go ahead and start all over at the age of 56 with a new line of direction in my business, I didn’t know where the money and the other resources I required would come from, but I knew I wanted to go ahead and do what I had to do. Today, a year later, I marvel at Creation as I continued to experience miracles upon miracles at every corner I turned!

As Wolfgang von Goethe said: “Whatever you can do,or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. BEGIN IT NOW”, start where you are now and be decisive.

Your Spiritual Life Changer Coach