Embracing Changes – Transform your life with your innate power!

How to Prevent Stress Damaging Your Body During a Change

Goog health is all we’ve got to get us through any challenges in life. Without a good health, trying to handle any change can become a nightmare.

Stresses have a way of ruining our health if we ignore paying attention to what needs to be done.

I know this first hand after experiencing my worst nerve pains of Herpes Zoster (Shingles) last Spring.

Early in the year, I had been running around depleting my energy reserves – putting finishing touches to my book Intuition Involution, running the day to day administration of my Centre and trying to find new staffs and keeping a big household going and so forth… You get the picture.

It wasn’t until I woke up one morning with an excruciating pain all on one side of my body and couldn’t go back to sleep that I realized what was wrong. Initially, my skin had been erupting with some small spots for about 2 weeks. I had preiously put this down to some skin rashes, especially as we have been combatting some ants invasion in our kitchen with some anti ants spray.

Sitting up that night in my bed, I breathed deeply and shut my eyes completely tuning in and asked what was wrong. Instantly, I got the answer: “you’ve got shingles”. Yikes, that was a blow. But I knew my intuiive guidance was right.

I decided to take control. I thought back to my past work with former Shingles patients. I told my husband what it was and said I was going to cure it.

As a former naturopathic doctor, I consulted my books and ordered all the remedies I needed and began clearing my schedules to work fully on myself.

After 3 weeks of intensive and rigorous work with: natural remedies, homeopathy, water treatments, breathwork, food supplements and changing my diet, I was completely free of all pain and the skin rashes began to clear.

Remaing Stressfree in Times of Changes

After this experience, I knew that I had to become more aware of my stress level. I decided to pay more attention to things around me that may be causing more stress for me.

Here are 5 tips to help support your body in handling stress in your life, especially when facing changes.

1. When you wake up, take 5 minutes to release any tension you may feel in your body. It is not as difficult as it may sound. Close your eyes and tune into your body. Next, feel the different part of your body by breathing slowing into the tensed parts while allowing the tension to melt away.

2. Learn to prioritize the things you need to do and don’t overcompensate with your time if you can’t finish some work. Make sure you give yourself space between each work. This way, you can restock your energy, even if it’s just for 2 minutes.

3. It is easy to go into a frenzy mode when dealing with changes. Remember to eat well and take some good food supplements. I recommend Spirulina and Vit C. Spirulina is rich in all the Vit B complex and also has some essential minerals and trace elements. It is easily absorbed by our body.

4. Make it a habit of drinking plenty of still water in the course of the day, not only to slush out toxins, but to hydrate the brain cells and decongest your blood. In times of changes, we use up more energy and get easily dehydrated.

5. Before going to bed, sit still for about 10 minutes and do some deep breathing. My favourite is the alternatiing breathing. If you’d like to know more about this, contact me at kunbi@embracingchanges.com and I’ll send you the short description.

I have learnt to not allow outside pressure to undermine my inner peace. I believe this is crucial in being able to manage changes more effectively.

Love Always
Kunbi Korostensky ND
Inner Flame Rekindler