Embracing Changes – Transform your life with your innate power!

Changing Our Perspectives in Today’s World

Working on my book over several months: INTUITION INVOLUTION: Living by Intuition for a Balanced World in 2012 and Beyond! has brought a number of things into perspectives for me.

First, as I worked to get everything in line to deliver contents that I know will benefit our world, I realized that no matter what i do, it is only a tiny part to helping people make the necessary changes to save our world.

Second, I recognized that in spite of all the various challenges we all are experiencing today, the important thing is never to allow your spirit to be broken. Keep your faith strong and remain vigilance, even if you still can’t see how things will change.

Third, my intuition has grown so strongly that I realized that truly connecting with the intuition and finding solutions is just a question of inner adjustments and taking the time to relax into who you really are.

We all often get too caught up in the frenzy around us and forget to attune within. Checking regularly with your “inner councellor” in the course of the day does not only help shift your  perspectives, but is also a wonderful way of remaining alert sensing the loving energy, reminding you that all will be well, no matter what!

One thing that has truly helped me over the many months when I sometimes felt that there was just so much to do and I wasn’t sure how I was going to get it all done, was to consistently remind myself that this wasn’t work, but a joyful calling, to which I said yes to.

This has been a joyful experience, because it removed the pressure that I had to do something to make everything work out. It made me realize that all I needed to do was simply to listen within and things will unfold as I trust to take the steps that my inner promptings advised me to take. Making this inner adjustment has been a great blessing and opened some miraculous doors for me to walk in.

I believe that this inner adjustment can also be applied to how we approach things happening either in our lives or in today’s world. We all can begin to help heal the cirmcustances around us, by starting to say yes to our intuition and listening more from within.

It is my conviction that our world can only be saved when each of us begin to take full reponsibility for all we think and do. This begin with Living from Intuition

Love Always.

Kunbi Korostensky ND

Author of the forthcoming book:  

“INTUITION INVOLUTION: Living by Intuition for a Balanced World in 2012 and Beyond!